
Women Are Better Than Men at Parking, Study Finds

"A U.K. study has shown that while men are more confident drivers and take less time to park into a perpendicular space, women end up with their cars closer to the center of the space and...
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Breast implant boss face charges

" Breast implant boss, Jean Claude Mas, the owner of a French breast implant maker that sparked a safety scare faces charges of "involuntary injury", his lawyer says. He said Poly Implant...
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Breast implant boss arrested in France

"Breast implant owner of a French maker at the centre of a safety scare has been arrested in southern France. Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) founder Jean-Claude Mas, 72, was held...
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First patients shown to improve with embryonic stem cells

"Before treatment, the 51-year-old graphic artist was legally blind, unable to read a single letter on a standard eye chart. She has suffered from Stargardt's disease, the most common form...
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Bioterror fears halt research on mutant bird flu

"Scientists who created a potentially more deadly bird flu strain have temporarily stopped their research amid fears it could be used by terrorists. In a letter published in Science and...
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California Town Wards Off Crime With Birdsong

"How do you sweep crime from L.A.’s streets? With the lusty shrieks of a male songbird.The mayor of Lancaster, Calif. swears that the sound of tweeting blackbirds, wrens and robins has deterred...
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Do Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer?

"Maybe you remember the scary rumors that zipped around the Internet a few years ago claiming antiperspirants and deodorants could cause breast cancer. The claims had several things going for...
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Donate to Cancer Charity: Dreams come true

" Donate to Cancer Charity making dreams come true: A youngster battling cancer had his dream come true this week – to blow up a building, Fox affiliate WUPW in Ohio reports.Maxwell...
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Stocks up

"Stocks up. European stocks rose and the euro stayed under pressure on Tuesday as investors weighed the debt turmoil in the euro zone against an improved U.S. economic picture that...
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Car donations

"The number of car donations offered to Operation Lookout has increased, over the past year, from a couple per week to dozens every month.In a recent email to Michael Irwin,...
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Financial help for single moms

"It is not a easy job being a single mother. At every stage of life, financial help and preparation is essential. At this time as a single mother you have to consider your kids in your planning...
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How to purchase your own health coverage

"Buying private medical insurance international is no picnic, but group benefits aren't an option for everyone. Here's what you need to know to purchase for an individual health policy. As...
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