Strauss-Kahn sexual assalt dismissed

"Dominique Strauss-Kahn sex assault charges dropped"
"New York prosecutors have dropped sexual assault charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn for allegedly attacking a hotel maid – but he is not yet a completely free man after the judge said an appeal court must decide on the maid's lawyer's attempts to have a special prosecutor take over the case.
It had been widely anticipated that the case would be thrown out today, but the decision to go to the appeals court caused confusion in the New York courtroom.
The judge, Michael Obus, told the packed court he would comply with a request from the prosecution to dismiss the case. "The indictment is dismissed," he said. Most legal observers think the attempt by lawyers for Nafissatou Diallo will be unsuccessful, and a decision could come as early as later on Tuesday.
A largest group of protestors had gathered outside, many of them waving placards and chanting slogans such as "DSK! Shame on you!" as Strauss-Kahn left the courtoom.
Michael Greys, co-founder of the group 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement, was furious at the dismissal of the case. (...)"
in The Guardian
The whole thing seemed a little sketchy to begin with, but I hope he didn't buy his way out of it.
August 23, 2011 at 7:49 PMPost a Comment